
Hand rejuvenation

Our hands go through a lot during our life time and can reveal our age even after we concentrate on making our face and neck more youthful.

There are two non-invasive hand rejuvenation treatments to help with dry skin, age spots and wrinkly skin for hands that look smoother and less blemished once more.

The skin on the back of the hands is extremely thin so the loss of fat padding on any level shows quickly. Take away that cushion and all the structures in the hand show – the tendons, bones and the veins.

The natural fat cushion that we are born with begins to lessen in our late twenties and early thirties. By the time most of us hit forty, we have hands that tell the truth about our age and can make us seem older than we are!

Hand rejuvenation helps restore the volume lost due to the natural aging process.

Full recovery:  1-2 days-up to 10 days in case of bruising
Back to work:  0-48 hours
Duration of results:  3-6 months
Who can have this treatment?  40+

Facial Aesthetics Questionnaire (FAesQ)